Impressive Video Captures Crocodile ‘Flight’ in Search of a Snack

Impressive Video Captures Crocodile 'Flight' in Search of a Snack
Impressive Video Captures Crocodile ‘Flight’ in Search of a Snack (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The shocking video showcasing a crocodile’s ability to “fly” after a piece of meat is leaving internet users amazed!

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“This astonishing clip features a saltwater crocodile launching itself out of the water in an impressive display of power and breathtaking agility. Did you know these fierce reptiles can reach incredible heights?” reads the caption of the video.

The astounding video, shared on Instagram last Wednesday (26th), has already garnered over 15,000 views, along with more than 120 likes and several comments from internet users who were impressed by the scene.

“Wow. The animal world is so diverse that it’s thrilling to see what else there is to discover,” commented one Instagram user. “By provoking these creatures, you might regret it later. Someone better go give it the treats,” quipped another.

According to the Sophisticated Edge website, crocodiles use their powerful tails to make explosive jumps in the water, thrashing it from side to side like a snake. The aerodynamic profile of their bodies facilitates passing through the water surface, akin to a rocket launching through the air.

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